Friends of Tracy Memorial Library is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose sole purpose is to fund special projects and programs at Tracy Memorial Library. Please consider making a tax-deductible gift by completing and returning a donation envelope available at the Friends Corner in the Library. You may also use the envelope to indicate an interest in volunteering with the Friends.
The goal (Mission) of the Friends is to provide additional financial and volunteer support so that our community enjoys an outstanding library above and beyond what our tax dollars allow.
The Friends of Tracy Memorial Library was established in 1982 by a small group of dedicated library patrons. While the taxpayers of New London have the responsibility and desire to provide the necessary funds to ensure that the town has an excellent library, The Friends of TML is a 501(c)3 nonprofit supporting organization to Tracy Memorial Library, which allows any donations received to be tax deductible.
The Friends of Tracy Memorial Library relies on the generous annual donations of people like you! Become a friend and show your love for our fantastic library.